Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This website Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) outlines the information we, Rajput Law, may collect through use of this website and any related sites (the “Rajput Law website”) and how such information may be used and disclosed. A more comprehensive summary of our privacy policies generally is available from us on request.

As practicing lawyers, we have professional and ethical obligations to maintain information we have received within our client relationships in confidence. Please do not send us confidential information until we have confirmed in writing that we represent or act for you or your company or organization. Unsolicited emails from non-clients do not establish a lawyer-client relationship. They may not be privileged and, therefore, may be disclosed to others. This Privacy Policy supplements our applicable professional obligations of client confidentiality.

Why does Rajput Law collect personal information?

We do not collect personally identifiable information through the Rajput Law website unless such information is provided to us by email via a link contained on the Rajput Law website or submitted through a form, such as our contact form, online job application forms or subscription form. It is important to note that any such communications are subject to the Terms of Use for the Rajput Law website.

We will only use such personally identifiable information for the purposes of responding to you, considering your application and maintaining a record of your subscription and sending you requested updates.

When does Rajput Law use or disclose personal information?

We will not attempt to link or match the anonymous technical information we collect with any personally-identifiable information unless:

  • we have your consent;
  • we (or our service providers) have detected or reasonably suspect any attempt to damage the Rajput Law website or other security breach; or
  • we are required by law to do so.

We may use personal information to inform individuals of current and/or new services or developments that the we believe will be of interest to them in accordance with applicable laws including Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation. Individuals consent to us contacting them in this manner when they use our services. You may opt-out of receiving such communications by contacting the our Privacy Officer at the address below.


You can deny or withdraw your consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information at any time upon reasonable notice, subject to any legal or contractual requirements. However, if consent is denied or withdrawn, we may not be able to provide certain products or services to you.

Security and safeguards

We have in place reasonable policies, procedures and safeguards (including physical, technological and organizational measures) designed to protect the security of personal information under our control.

The protection of personal information is of paramount concern to us, and we are prepared to take appropriate and timely steps in the event of any incidents involving personal information in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

We retain personal information only as long as is reasonable to fulfil the purposes for which the information was collected, or for legal or business purposes.

Access to personal information

We will provide individuals with access to the personal information we hold about them in accordance with applicable laws. We reserve the right to require that any request for access to personal information be made in writing. Generally, there is no cost for such access. However, we reserve the right to charge such costs on a case by case basis in accordance with applicable laws. You will be notified in advance if charges apply.

We will correct or amend the personal information in our files where it can be shown that the information is incorrect or incomplete.

Website information

We will not disclose to third parties any personally identifiable information collected by us through the Rajput Law website unless:

  • we have your consent;
  • we have a good faith belief that disclosure of the information is necessary to protect the rights or property of Rajput Law; or
  • we are required by law to do so.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to, and Rajput Law is not responsible for, any third-party websites which may be accessible through links from this website. If you follow a link to any of these third-party websites, they will have their own privacy policies and you will need to check these policies before you submit any personal information to such third-party websites.

You should be aware that anonymous technical information may be collected by us as a result of your visit to the Rajput Law website. For example, this information may include your IP address, browser type, operating system, domain name, access times and referring website addresses. We use this anonymous technical information for purposes such as improving the operation and content of the Rajput Law website and compiling aggregate and statistical information.

We may, from time to time, collect non-personal information about you and your use of the Rajput Law website through the use of cookies. We do not match or correlate this information with any personal information that you submit on the Rajput Law website. “Cookies” are small text files placed on your computer that can collect and store a variety of information. Permanent cookies are stored indefinitely on a user’s hard drive unless manually deleted, while temporary cookies are automatically deleted from the user’s browser upon logging out of a website. Web browsers typically allow users to disable permanent and/or temporary cookies.

Please note that we use third-party analytics services for our website, such as Google Analytics. There is more information about how these service providers including Google collect, use and process data on their respective websites including at

We may employ third-party services providers to store or process personal information on our behalf. Our service providers may store and/or process personal information outside of Canada (including in the U.K. or the United States of America). When information is stored or processed outside of Canada, it may be subject to the laws of and be accessible to by legal authorities in such other jurisdictions. We have taken appropriate technical, organizational and legal steps to secure this information.

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Effective May 25, 2018, in addition to the rights set out in this Privacy Policy, individuals residing in the European Union (“EU”) will be able to exercise the additional rights outlined in the GDPR, and Rajput Law will take steps to facilitate the exercise of these rights. If you are a resident of the EU, please contact our Privacy Officer for more information, including a list of the additional rights.

Contact Rajput Law

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email:

[email protected]

Effective Date and Changes to Policy

The foregoing policy is effective as of October 16, 2023. Rajput Law reserves the right to change the policy at any time.

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